
Posts Tagged ‘naga sadhus of india’

Sadhus Of India

March 4th, 2011 0 Comments

sadhus of india
¿Why spiritual INDIA has apropiate ilegitimately our land in Haridwar with phisical violence?

Why some western people still think that India is Gandhi? Why was a western woman Mother Teresa the one who gave a good lesson to all indians of love instead sadhus and ashrams people?Why Haridwar use phisical violence against handicap spanish NGO member to apropiate ilegitimately our land in Kankal Jagjetpur Haridwar? Why european need to make more than 100 days hunger strike in the supose country of angels and spirituality?Why some polititians are looking for their own interest instead of the poors and sufferings brothers?

Exactly. I was about to ask this very question.

India – El Sadu

Naga Sadhus

November 26th, 2010 0 Comments

naga sadhus
how to seat over floating water ( in River )?

i listen about that there are some peoples they can easilly seat over the river bed and travel, it is possible by Yoga? and if yes then what type of Yoga required.
This found in Naga Sadhus community in India.

I believe its flotation-device yoga