
Posts Tagged ‘india’


January 17th, 2011 0 Comments

At six, she is yoga trainer to grownups
By Asit Srivastava, Allahabad, Nov 1 : She is barely six years old but calls the shots at a class full of sadhus, housewives and other grownups. Meet Shruti Pandey, a yoga trainer at an ashram in Uttar Pradesh’s Allahabad district.

Hindu Holy Men

January 4th, 2011 0 Comments

hindu holy men
What’s the name of that movie?

i’m looking for the english title of a documentary
about indian swamiji’s, it’s someting like saint or insane.
it’s about hindu swami (holy men), traditions and customs and the ocasional insanity. can anyone help me pls

Have you tried


Sadhus India

December 25th, 2010 0 Comments

sadhus india
What makes someone a Sandhu , a Sant or a Sadvi ?

India beats every country hollow while it comes to over production of so called Sadhus etc etc . We are over crowded by those Sadhus who are seen this side or that side of the political parties in India . Do they have ration card? Do they have a Voters ID card ? Do they have Credit Card ? Do they pay EMI for the Apartments they are seen living in comfortably ? What is that labels them the so called Sandhu ETC ETC.
this JJ Singh needs a little bit training on manners . His Yahoo name suggests his insane characteristics.We are watching you as well.
Mr J j Singh stop behaving like a big Dada . Your ICONIC name suggests your ill-doctrinated soul not at peace with this lovely world. cool down and get lost.

bcoz indians are too generous with money when it comes to sadhus
free riders and pests of the society

Sadhus at the Khumb Mela, India

Sadhu Sadhu

December 19th, 2010 0 Comments

sadhu sadhu
I want to purchase bengali movie dvds named as “sadhu judhisthirer kadcha”?

please provide me the websites who have collections of old & new bengali movie in dvd format.

U can buy it from granth store at goregaon

SADHU SADHU – The Golden Tide (PsychBkgrndEdit)

India Sadhu

December 2nd, 2010 0 Comments

india sadhu
where can i find true sadhu or yogi in India?

Hi everybody,

I am searching from 2-3 years for a true sadhu or yogi, Who has supernatural power or he can do miracles. I have already go Haridwar and Rishikesh, but i could not find it.

I am living in Delhi. Can anybody tell where can i find the true Sadhu or yogi in Himalaya region? Can I find them in Kedarnath, Badrinath, Gangotri?

If you already meet with any real sadhu, please tell me also the full story.

Sheer waste of time. There are no Miracle Men, only cheats abounding in the garb of Holy men. Everyone is out to make money,you’d better beware.

Missionaries from India -Sadhu Sundar Singh

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