
Archive for the ‘Sadhu’ Category

Sadhu Pictures

December 19th, 2010 0 Comments

sadhu pictures

bhasma dalera (sadhu version)

Sadhu Sadhu

December 19th, 2010 0 Comments

sadhu sadhu
I want to purchase bengali movie dvds named as “sadhu judhisthirer kadcha”?

please provide me the websites who have collections of old & new bengali movie in dvd format.

U can buy it from granth store at goregaon

SADHU SADHU – The Golden Tide (PsychBkgrndEdit)

Sadhu Images

December 8th, 2010 0 Comments

sadhu images
By How many runs India was defeated by this inexperienced New Zealand side?;_ylt=Aq2M1KIA01VazHUs6ubDTALsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100810085339AAy3pta

We lost by an innings. We couldn’t avoid the follow on. Bundled out for less than 100 wagagagagagagaga

Sadhu in Amarnath

Sadhu In India

December 7th, 2010 0 Comments

sadhu in india
if i renounced everything.. sadhu/sadhvi style?

my possessions, my family.. and became a sadhu or sadhvi yogi.. how would i survive? would i be safe in India? what if i became enlightened and lost track of business as usual and overstayed my VISA? how do people follow the spiritual path in India?

There are certain places in India where you can be to live. But dont you feel if you renounce everything you need not to change your place or simply your life style. You can minimise your desires, but there is no way to cut off your needs.

Give a second thought to it.

Indian Sadhu – bhimavaram ap india telugu -8

India Sadhu

December 2nd, 2010 0 Comments

india sadhu
where can i find true sadhu or yogi in India?

Hi everybody,

I am searching from 2-3 years for a true sadhu or yogi, Who has supernatural power or he can do miracles. I have already go Haridwar and Rishikesh, but i could not find it.

I am living in Delhi. Can anybody tell where can i find the true Sadhu or yogi in Himalaya region? Can I find them in Kedarnath, Badrinath, Gangotri?

If you already meet with any real sadhu, please tell me also the full story.

Sheer waste of time. There are no Miracle Men, only cheats abounding in the garb of Holy men. Everyone is out to make money,you’d better beware.

Missionaries from India -Sadhu Sundar Singh

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