
Posts Tagged ‘sadhus india’

Sadhus India

December 25th, 2010 0 Comments

sadhus india
What makes someone a Sandhu , a Sant or a Sadvi ?

India beats every country hollow while it comes to over production of so called Sadhus etc etc . We are over crowded by those Sadhus who are seen this side or that side of the political parties in India . Do they have ration card? Do they have a Voters ID card ? Do they have Credit Card ? Do they pay EMI for the Apartments they are seen living in comfortably ? What is that labels them the so called Sandhu ETC ETC.
this JJ Singh needs a little bit training on manners . His Yahoo name suggests his insane characteristics.We are watching you as well.
Mr J j Singh stop behaving like a big Dada . Your ICONIC name suggests your ill-doctrinated soul not at peace with this lovely world. cool down and get lost.

bcoz indians are too generous with money when it comes to sadhus
free riders and pests of the society

Sadhus at the Khumb Mela, India