
Posts Tagged ‘how to get rid of dreadlocks for girls’

How To Get Rid Of Dreadlocks

August 3rd, 2013 0 Comments

Exposing The Major Myths About Hair Loss

Do you have hair loss? If so, you may be aware that there are many cultural myths surrounding this issue. Many people enjoy talking about this genetic predisposition, mainly because so many things can cause it to happen. Although there are many hair loss treatments out there, you just need to be careful when choosing one that may or may not work. There are many myths and facts to consider regarding hair loss – this article will help you understand the difference.

There are many theories about how brushing or combing your hair impacts hair loss. The truth is, in most cases how often you brush your hair has nothing to do with hair loss. Brushing and combing your hair is thought to stimulate your scalp and improve circulation just below the surface. The problem with this theory is that a chemical called DHT is actually causing most hair loss and is a genetically-based problem, not one rooted in blood circulation. On the other hand, if you brush your hair too much, or too roughly, this can cause damage and more hair to fall out. By simply brushing your hair regularly, you can help prevent hair loss. Wearing hats, headbands or scarves may make your head uncomfortable if they are too tight, but they probably won’t cause your hair to fall out. The idea behind why this may contribute to hair loss is that your circulation is being cut off, therefore your scalp does not have enough oxygen for the hair. The health of your hair is actually dependent upon the amount of oxygen that the follicles receive from your bloodstream. So while it’s generally healthier and more comfortable not to wear anything tight on your head, this is not an actual cause of hair loss.

If you have hair loss, and you have tried products to help stop your receding hairline, and it didn’t work, you will be among millions that are discouraged in regard to these so-called solutions. The trick is finding the hair loss products that actually can help you with your situation. Medications that are prescribed for hair loss are among the many few that actually do work. Hair transplant surgery is an excellent option for those that have tried other medically based alternatives. You can opt for laser treatments that can actually prevent or reverse hair loss you already have. As you can see, there are many different options available so do not lose hope thinking your hair loss problem is not repairable. Hair loss is a normal sign of aging, and for most people its determined by your genes. This doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do about it, as there are several proven treatments even for pattern baldness. As you have just read, there are many myths in regard to hair loss and why it occurs. The bottom line is that you need to do your due diligence and find out which hair loss treatment will probably work for you before you try it.

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how to TAKE OUT and REMOVE dreadlocks…NO CUTTINGZ